How to monitor your body during pregnancy
Pregnancy causes all kinds of changes in the body, which can cause confusion and concern for expectant mothers. What kind of changes and sensations should expectant mothers pay attention to?
The solutions to most problems can be simple.
1. Listen to your body
Pregnancy causes all sorts of changes in the body, which can confuse mothers expecting their first child. The changes occuring in the body and sensations related to pregnancy are discussed with mothers on their first visit to the maternity clinic.
Nurse Irmeli Pitkämäki from Kuusamo’s maternity clinic advises mothers to listen to the body’s signals. You should pay attention to sleep quality, having a healthy diet and eating regularly. Fatigue or swelling are normal symptoms associated with pregnancy.
The solutions to most problems can be simple.
”You rarely have to urge pregnant mothers to drink less water”, Irmeli Pitkämäki remarks.
Sometimes simply drinking water, light exercise or rest can ease normal swelling or aches.
2. Don’t be too eager to measure things
Blood pressure can rise and body temperature can fluctuate, but you don’t need to measure them all the time.
Pregnancy hormones can cause a variety of unpleasant bodily sensations that aren’t worth worrying about. Blood pressure can rise and body temperature can fluctuate, but you don’t need to measure them all the time.
”If elevated blood pressure is discovered at the clinic, they may advise you to monitor it at home if you have a blood pressure monitor. In any case, elevated blood pressure is monitored at the clinic”, Irmeli Pitkämäki explains. “Otherwise there is no need to measure blood pressure.”
If the mother has any primary diseases, she should contact the clinic immediately at the start of pregnancy to get the appropriate advice.
3. Feel the baby’s movements
Expectant mothers usually begin to feel the baby’s movements during the 18th to 24th weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes the baby’s movements may feel unpleasant.
“First-time mothers usually feel the baby’s movements a little bit later, because they don’t yet recognise the first light touches as the baby’s movements”, Irmeli Pitkämäki says.
Feeling the baby’s movements is a way to strengthen your bond with the baby. Monitoring the movements is part of early interaction. Each baby moves in a different way.
Read more about monitoring your baby’s movements here.
4. Strange pains, distressing leaks – contact the clinic
Particularly in early pregnancy, you may experience leakage or various aches and pains, including sharp ones, most of which are normal. If the pain continues for a long time and is felt, for example, in the lower abdomen or the uterus, contact your clinic. You should not be left alone with your concerns.
”Many mothers contact us regarding various pains and leakages, especially during early pregnancy”, Irmeli Pitkämäki says.
”Sensations and concerns mustn’t be disregarded. The expectant mother should be listened to.”
Sometimes just talking about bodily sensations with a familiar person can help.
5. Pay attention to mental wellbeing as well
It’s important that the mother observes her own mental wellbeing and isn’t afraid to seek help.
”Sometimes getting a kind of mental personal trainer can be good, whether it be a psychiatric nurse, a nurse from the clinic, a friend or your own mother”, Irmeli Pitkämäki suggests.
A pregnant mother needs the understanding of others and someone who will listen to her.
Above all, however, pregnancy is a joyful thing. ”It’s important to be a joyful presence in the pregnant mother’s life and bravely pay attention to the upcoming child at a much earlier stage. That’s what many pregnant mothers really need.”